The new Accelleron ACCX300-L series: Introducing a new world of flexibility

An image of a ship to highlight the new ccelleron ACCX300-L series turbocharger
Accelleron’s next-generation turbocharger introduces a flexible new design capable of supporting customers in whichever pathway they choose in their decarbonization journey

There’s currently a lot of uncertainty in the maritime industry around future fuels, as the industry looks towards a cleaner future. Accelleron is here to help, with the latest ACCX300-L series turbocharger providing previously unseen flexibility and the ability to adapt rapidly to most future fuel choices.

The new Accelleron ACCX300-L series turbochargers have been designed from the ground up to provide greater flexibility, with a platform-based compact design that’s both easier to service and capable of adapting to the different requirements of multiple future fuel options.

We’ve looked at numerus future fuels here on charge! over the past few months, including methanolammoniahydrogendual fuelselectric and even other solutions including synthetic diesel. Although all offer environmental benefits over fuels derived from crude oil, it’s clear that there are plenty of challenges ahead irrespective of fuel type.

This also means uncertainty for the shipping industry as a whole. It’s currently unclear which fuel will become a future mainstay for deep-sea shipping, leaving ship owners and operators with some particularly tough choices in the short-term. That’s where the flexibility of the ACCX300-L series can make a huge difference.

Introducing a more flexible turbocharger

Accelleron’s latest turbochargers have been designed to support the necessary pressure ratios required by future fuels. This includes fuels that require higher pressure ratios than existing fuels, with the ability to implement core components for specific fuels more rapidly.

The platform-based design of the ACCX300-L series delivers flexibility that extends beyond fuel choice, also delivering increased power density and standardization. This offers several key benefits, including the ability to adapt to new requirements more quickly, a reduction in frame sizes and variants, support for higher power ranges, and greater flexibility when it comes to engine arrangements.

Servicing that suits your requirements

The ACCX300-L series is also considerably more flexible when it comes to servicing, introducing the ability to exchange turbocharger cartridges during scheduled port stays as opposed to requiring additional dry docking. This can save considerable amounts of money.

The more flexible design of the ACCX300-L series – along with Accelleron’s cartridge pooling and exchange solution – results in faster and less frequent servicing, delayed operating costs, and the potential for lower overall costs over the lifetime of the turbocharger.

Find out more about Accelleron’s next-generation turbochargers here